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BFCSA exposes PM Malcolm Turnbull lies to Parliament re Banks: Unforgiveable bastardry!


At the end of this blog I respond to these lies and explain why Mr Turnbull is misleading the Parliament………………….Denise Brailey.   Courageous Mr and Mrs Scanlon lobbied their local Federal Member to raise the issue in the Australian Parliament.




Date Monday, 18 April 2016 Source House

Page 3722 Proof No

Questioner O'Neil, Clare, MP Responder Turnbull, Malcolm, MP and PM

Speaker Question No.

Banking and Financial Services


Ms O'NEIL (Hotham) (14:09): My question is to the Prime Minister. Denis Scanlon is 75 and he lives in the

electorate of Higgins. Denis says his bank ripped him off, and is still trying to sell his house after selling both his

business and his commercial property. Denis says ASIC and the Financial

Ombudsman Service have told him they cannot help. And his local member, the Assistant Treasurer, has given

him a list of community legal centres, despite the fact that the Liberal government has cut funding to these

services. When will the Prime Minister end his excuses and launch a royal commission so that cases like this

can be properly investigated?

Mr Conroy interjecting—

The SPEAKER: The Prime Minister has the call. The member for Charlton will cease interjecting.

Note well:  The Prime Ministerial Lies are in italics.....................Lies because he actually knows the truth.and is acting on cover up mode.

Mr TURNBULL (Wentworth—Prime Minister) (14:10): The question from the honourable member underlines

the reckless populism of the Labor Party on this issue. Here you have an individual who has a complaint against

a bank, who says that he has been misled—and it may be that he has been misled—and what is the Labor Party's

answer? Three years of a royal commission, which has no power to compensate that gentleman—it has no ability

to right any wrong—and which will simply go on for years and years. No action. It is just another inquiry. The

gentleman that the honourable member refers to no doubt needs redress, no doubt needs legal advice, and his

member of parliament has directed him to where he can get it. The reality being that a royal commission of the kind

proposed by Labor will offer nothing more than, after many years, a long report, and the gentleman concerned

will still be waiting.

We are taking action. We are committed to ensuring that ASIC does its job, that it investigates complaints and

deals with them. And we are also taking action in respect of small business, protecting small business in the

construction sector and on the roads, because the Labor Party's concern is only to run a populist campaign against

banks. It has no concern with small business.



Denis used to be in small business but the Bank fraudulently dealt with the mortgages............hence the Grievance

Turnbulll then goes on to attack unions - his favourite pastime - wasting valuable Question Time.

Honourable members interjecting—

The SPEAKER: The member for Parramatta! There were a number of members interjecting throughout that


answer. The members for Wakefield and Griffith are warned. If they interject again they will be leaving question time.


Firstly, instead of answering the valid question from an aggrieved citizen losing both home and business, the PM turns the Parliament into a circus by attacking the messenger MP.  He uses the grievance of a decent citizen to berate the elected Opposition. The PM suggests the Royal Commission.

The PM Blatant LIES:

He knows very well the Royal Commission could take two years (not three) because the volume of complaints against Banks is so extensive.  The PM knows the RCr has the unique powers to demand the Banks hand over all documents including emails and notes and minutes of secret meetings.  Full Discovery gentleman!



He knows the recommendations of the Royal Commissioner and the presented volumes of evidence can and would lead to class actions and compensation.

Despite suggestions the RCr cannot determine a wrong doing is patently wrong:  a Royal Commissioner can recommend criminal charges be laid and would refer matters to the Police that lead to arrest, criminal charges and eventual jail sentences.

The PM knows what happened in the WA RC into Brokers - 23 were charged and 17 jailed for long periods up to ten years.  He knows over $100 million compensation was recovered including $30 million plus from the crooked lawyers involved.

Yes the victims had to wait for those processes (longer via the courts) yet better to have $100 million result than face ruin and no pay-out!  Most victims received close to 80% of their losses back in their hands.

Malcolm Turnbull KNOWS that without a Royal Commission, people like Denis and his wife are consigned to the gutter.

He KNOWS they have no money for lawyers and this gentleman complained bitterly to ASIC and received a BUZZ OFF letter and zero assistance or consideration!


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