Not much of interest to forward but admissions in this...the flavour of the moment is corrupt politicians...
ANZ Bank sees bigger role in financial advice
29 May 2016
Clancy Yeates
ANZ Bank is eyeing a bigger slice of the financial advice market after it "lost traction" in this segment in recent years, says the bank's managing director of wealth in Australia, Alexis George.
As Ms. George leads a review of ANZ's wealth arm – parts of which may be sold – she said financial advice was a key focus for the bank, though it had not devoted enough energy to all parts of this business.
Despite the intense political pressure on bank’s wealth management businesses after a series of scandals involving customers being shamefully treated, she also maintained that conflicts of interest were being well managed by the sector.
Ms George was appointed to run ANZ's Australian wealth arm in a March restructure that saw former wealth boss Joyce Phillips depart the bank, and also resulted in parts of the previous wealth business moved to other divisions of ANZ.
Speaking to BusinessDay, Ms George signalled ANZ viewed advice as a key focus, alongside moves to simplify its wealth products.
"From a wealth perspective we've been sitting back over the past month or so and really thinking where do we need to refocus? Clearly one is around the ANZ Bank brand, simplifying the products," she said.
"The second one is, we are committed to financial advice, I think it's really important for people to get financial advice. And if I look at our business, we really have lost some traction in that space over the last few years."
Reflecting this push, ANZ will launch this week a new platform in partnership with Macquarie Group.
The platform provides an administrative service for planners, including independent planners who do not work for ANZ, to access investment options for their clients.
ANZ has a large presence providing services such as these to independent financial advisers, but Ms George said the bank had not spent "as much time and energy in that space as we should have".
ANZ's wealth arm is not making the returns chief executive Shayne Elliott wants to see across the group, and Ms George is leading a strategic review of wealth that is expected to report internally next month.
It was reported last week ANZ was considering selling part or all of its life insurance business for up to $4 billion as part of this process, but Ms George would not be drawn on what options were being considered for the business.