NAB always in the spotlight of dud deals and poor management causing consumer
losses. All the reasons for a Royal Commission into all Banks and Financial dud
advice. PM this is not a "social" issue. This is Bank Criminals acting as a Cartel.
Wakey Wakey!
Report slams National Australia Bank's risk management
16 May 2016
Adele Ferguson
National Australia Bank is sitting on a damning internal audit report that rated its operational risk management practices as "inconsistent and ineffective" and says key elements need "strengthening". NAB's confidential three-star internal audit report, completed in April 2015 and obtained by The Australian Financial Review, was so serious it was escalated to chief executive Andrew Thorburn, divisional heads, the NAB board and the prudential regulator APRA.
The internal audit arrived just as NAB was in the headlines battling a scandal in its wealth division after a whistleblower had released a cache of documents to Fairfax Media that revealed its wealth division had issues with risk.
The documents also revealed its financial planning arm had been infected with some of the same problems as Commonwealth Bank's financial planning division: forged client signatures, file reconstructions and poor advice leading to compensation payouts to some clients.
On the other side of the world it was fighting image problems after the British regulator slapped NAB's Clydesdale Bank with a record fine for misleading the Financial Ombudsman Service, falsifying records and adopting "inappropriate policies" to short-change victims of mis-sold bank products. (NAB has since floated Clydesdale Bank).
Risk oversight
While this was going on, the elite internal audit team lobbed a three-star internal audit issue relating to weaknesses identified in the risk profiling process and supporting risk oversight practices. Contrary to how it sounds an internal "three star audit" result at NAB is extremely serious – it is the worst rating possible. (It is worth noting that the internal audit does not relate to credit management or asset quality.)
Since the internal audit was released, the bank has been trying to rectify the issues raised in the report. Since then, it has "substantially" dealt with the issues raised.
When it is ready, a fresh internal audit will be launched. In a statement, NAB's chief risk officer David Gall said "culture and managing risk is a key focus for our executive leadership team and board". He said the internal audit commenced in December 2014, a year after a new system was introduced, the Risk Management Self Assessment (RMSA).
This was designed to enhance risk management across the bank. "There were some gaps identified in how we document control assessments in operational risk profiles and the consistent execution of oversight activities for this specific process," he said.
The Financial Review can reveal that the findings of that audit said "audit has identified that CRO's [chief risk officer's] oversight activities which support key elements of the RMSA process requires strengthening". It said: "This is evidenced through inconsistent and ineffective oversight practices executed between and within divisional CRO teams."
It went on to say that self-assessments by each performance unit had been "confirmed" by chief risk officers without applying the minimum requirements outlined under the risk management self-assessment. "As a result, oversight performed has not detected the weaknesses which exist within operational risk profiles."
This included issues with the completeness of current risks including consideration of the top 10 compliance obligations that are applicable to performance units.
It said often the controls captured in profiling information didn't prevent or detect the likelihood of the risk occurring. It said information contained in the operational risk profile wasn't current. perational risk goes to the heart of an organisation. A failure in identifying, measuring, managing, monitoring and reporting operational risk can lead to a breakdown in the risk control environment. Put simply, how can you properly manage risk if you can't properly identify it?
Systemic issues
If an organisation doesn't have the proper warning systems in place, it can result in that organisation not picking up bad behaviour or ineffective practices, which can manifest into systemic issues that can cost customers and shareholders dearly. NAB's David Gall said performing risk and audit reviews was a normal part of business and that the role of risk and audit was to seek to identify any issues and ensure they are remediated in a timely and appropriate manner.
He confirmed NAB had a three star tier rating system. "Issues are rated depending on audit's assessment of the financial, reputational and compliance risks. A three star audit issue is reported to the executive management risk committee and board's risk committee. APRA is also notified of all three-star audit reports, as is our external auditor. This was done in this case."
He said this audit did not give rise to any material gap in its risk management framework or represent a breach of NAB's prudential or licensing obligation. He said shortcomings found in the audit had been addressed and an updated process was implemented and was "substantially" complete. Nevertheless, NAB is still sitting on an outstanding three-star internal audit issue.
Image problems
NAB and the rest of the big banks are firmly in the spotlight, battling image problems that have become an election issue as the opposition has pledged a royal commission if it is elected to government. The various scandals have generated much debate about the root cause of the financial misconduct. Is it culture? Ineffective risk management practices and a breakdown in the risk-control environment? Is it a combination of both? What is known is ineffective risk-management practices lead to a breakdown in the risk-control environment. When risks are not properly identified and managed, ineffective practices and inappropriate behaviour can eventuate and get out of control.
Pat McConnell, an honorary fellow at Macquarie University's Applied Finance Centre – who spent 30 years advising banks and insurance companies on risk and regulation and recently published a book in the UK on Systemic Operational Risk which looks at how industry-wide so-called "macro-culture" can give rise to large losses and fines – a three-star is a wake-up call, and even an alarm bell. "Three-star issues are issues where there is cause for great concern regarding financial and/or reputational loss to the bank," he said.
"These issues should be taken with the utmost seriousness, and the appropriate resources and time devoted to ensuring that all components of the audit issue have been rectified." McConnell says APRA would have been worried because operational risk is the biggest use of risk capital after credit risk. He says banks have got into trouble not managing their operational risk.
"Not only rogue traders but also events such as PPI in the UK [PPI or Payment Protection Insurance has so far cost the industry more than £30 billion in compensation for mis-selling] and the LIBOR and bank bill swap rate manipulation scandals."
Customer centred
He said the audit report did not mention specifics, although one could read between the lines that something was wrong on the operational risk front. A NAB source said he was disappointed to see the risk framework and supporting risk practices fall into disrepair after APRA complimented Wholesale Banking (now Products & Markets) in adopting industry better practice in risk management in 2010. "How things have changed," he said. "A three-star internal audit issue doesn't manifest overnight and let's hope this isn't indicative of a 'path to least resistance' attitude to risk management driven by cost-reduction programs that cut too close to the bone."
NAB chairman Ken Henry recently gave a speech on the future of banking. He said the bank that truly put the customer at the centre of everything should not need regulation, prudential regulation or conduct regulation. "The fact that our regulators are taking such a keen interest in banking culture, right now, means that they are not satisfied that the Australian banks are always sufficiently customer-centred," he said.
Henry is spot on, but it isn't just the regulators who are questioning the banks. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told a lunch recently that banks aren't just businesses but "a fundamental pillar, a foundation, of our society and our economy" and that they risked losing their social licence IF they kept betraying public trust.