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BFCSA Bank Wars: Rate rigging scandal: ASIC set to dish more dirt on the banks


Rate rigging scandal: ASIC set to dish more dirt on the banks

May 16, 2016 - 11:33AM

If you think Friday's dump of a new and damaging court document that lays bare eyebrow-raising conversations between wealthy testosterone-charged Westpac traders declaring how "f---ing with the interest rate set" would hurt customers and the bank's reputation was sensational, then wait - there's more to come on Tuesday.

It's perfect fodder for Labor, which is campaigning on the need for a Royal Commission into the banking industry.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission appears to be inflicting damage on the banks by means of death by a thousand cuts. Apparently the documents that will be filed with the Federal Court on Tuesday will contain more trader conversations from Westpac and ANZ staff - presumably traders.


It will become a treasure trove of information and provide the public with a rare glimpse inside the behaviour and the atmosphere in the dealing rooms of large financial institutions.

The unpleasant revelations will for many only cement the view of a bank as avaricious - looking after their own profits ahead of looking after customers.

Just the limited snatches of recorded conversations that ASIC has released already from both ANZ and Westpac appear pretty shocking.

The documents that will be filed with the Federal Court on Tuesday are expected to contain more trader conversations from Westpac and ANZ staff. Photo: Nicholas Rider

Westpac managing director group treasury Colin Roden is named in court documents as being involved in allegedly conspiring to rig the rates to the benefit of the banking giant. Another banker, Sophie Johnston, who works alongside Roden in group treasury, is also named in court documents.

According to ASIC, Roden told Ms Johnston: "I know it's completely wrong but f--- it, I might as well, I thought f--- it. We've got so much money on it we just had to do it, right?"

Mr Roden and Ms Johnston are still working at the bank. ASIC has not taken any action against Mr Roden or Ms Johnston.

Friday's court document suggests that the traders engaged in this behaviour knew it had detrimental consequences for its customers. It reveals transcripts of a conversation between unspecified traders which reads: 'Some end users who you don't know, you know corporates and people who get stiffed by people.' It goes on, 'And then in two year's time there's some inquiry that you have been 'f---ing with the rate and that's cost them all 10 basis point (on the interest rate).....

The most infamous from ANZ was recorded telephone conversation from June 10, 2010 between former head of balance sheet trading in Australia, Jason Pritchard, and ANZ representative on the BBSW board and head of rates trading, Mathew Morris, they discuss a plan of another to allegedly set the rate "as high as f---ing' possible."

The corporate regulator launched legal action against Westpac in early April and earlier against ANZ for manipulating the interbank interest rate - called the bank bill swap rate. This rate ultimately affects the pricing of interest rates - from business borrowers to mortgage loans.

Basically ASIC is alleging that these banks engaged in buying or selling to create an artificial price for bank bills - designed to create a profit for the bank or minimise the bank's losses.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/bank-rate-rigging-asic-set-to-release-more-damaging-documents-20160516-govxmb#ixzz48moHFaBy 
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Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/bank-rate-rigging-asic-set-to-release-more-damaging-documents-20160516-govxmb#ixzz48mnKCYQ2 
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