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BFCSA: UK regulatory expert backs call for higher bank capital


UK regulatory expert backs call for higher bank capital

Australian Financial Review Mar 17, 2019 11.00pm

Tony Boyd


EXCLUSIVE  The former head of bank regulation in the United Kingdom has backed the New Zealand Reserve Bank’s plan to force the big four banks to hold about $12 billion in additional equity capital.

Lord Adair Turner, who was chairman of the UK Financial Services Authority from 2008 to 2013, said all the world’s major banks should hold common equity tier 1 (CET1) capital of 15 to 20 per cent. The RBNZ wants the New Zealand subsidiaries of the big four to hold CET1 of 18 per cent.

Bankers have warned that the consequence of higher capital is likely to be higher interest rates for borrowers.

But Lord Turner said the trade-off for banks having higher capital requirements could be simpler regulation. This could include a winding back of the complex array of financial instruments called loss-absorbing capital, which are designed to convert into equity in a crisis such as convertible bonds.

“Ideally, we should have a much simpler approach to regulating banks, that wouldn’t necessarily involve a whole load of detailed supervision and complex bail-in debt,” he said.

“The best thing would be to just have enough equity in the banking system that you could be pretty confident that in almost all states in the world the only people who would suffer in a crisis would be bank equity owners.

“That would provide a powerful incentive for them to keep an eye on what management was doing and not take risks.”

Lord Turner, who was appointed chairman of the FSA five days after Lehman Bros collapsed, said he spent the last few months of 2008 struggling with the whole issue of how to rescue several British banks. He then spent the next four years as chairman of the International Financial Stability Board helping shape the re-regulation of the global financial system.

He said the reforms introduced to global bank capital regimes meant most banks now operating internationally had minimum CET1 capital of about 12 per cent because of the tightening of what counted as capital, the tightening of the risk weighting of loans and the introduction of new capital buffers.

In Australia, the minimum CET1 capital is 8 per cent but the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority demands minimum CET1 of 10.5 per cent for the big four.

A decade after Lehman's collapse Lord Turner believes we have a much safer global banking system but he thinks it is far too complex, particularly when it comes to bail-in debt that is convertible in a crisis.

“If you want to have equity in a crisis, why not just have equity to start with?” he said.

“Because there are real questions about whether we’ll be able to convert this debt to equity in a crisis without that in itself creating problems.”

He likens the banking regulatory system to a truck going down a motorway with insufficient brakes and no crash barriers.

“We’ve filled the truck cab with a whole load of supervisors looking over the driver’s shoulder telling him how to drive – those are the supervisors trying to make up for the fact that the brakes and the crash barriers are not good enough,” he said.

“Let’s make the crash barriers really good, let’s just have a very high level of equity and actually we could then actually reduce the complexity of banking supervision.

“So, my deal to the banking industry would be you face a higher level of capital, but in return for that, you know, we’ll clawback from overdetailed supervision of everything you do.”

Lord Turner admitted that higher capital could result in higher interest payments for borrowers but he said he did not think that was a bad thing in a world with too much debt.

“I mean, the thing which I argued in my book Between Debt and the Devil was that we have too much debt in the world,” he said.

“And, by the way, I think that is a vulnerability of the Australian economy now with the slowdown in the China export machine. It may produce a slowdown of the Australian economy, which may then make some of the property prices supported by very high levels of mortgage debt become unsustainable.

“If, in that environment, you had always had a slightly higher rate of interest rates, but also maybe tighter regulations on mortgage debt, that might have been for the good of the economy in the long term.

“I think we have to go back to the fundamentals and challenge whether our whole economies tend to create too much debt and therefore whether, still sounder banks with a higher rate of capital, even if they did have a slightly higher interest rate, are not necessarily a bad thing at the macro level at the end of the day.”

Lord Turner will be in Australia next month for the Creative Innovation 2019 Asia Pacific conference in Melbourne.



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