RBA puts spotlight on bank profit targets
Sydney Morning Herald April 17, 2016 - 5:33PM
Clancy Yeates
The Reserve Bank has highlighted some bankers' lofty expectations for future profitability, warning lenders against taking extra risk as they try to hit aggressive shareholder return targets.
It comes as industry experts say bank shareholders may need to accept lower returns, as profit growth is dampened by tougher regulation and rising charges for bad loans.
Ahead of closely watched bank profit results early next month, the RBA on Friday noted that banks with explicit return on equity targets "have set these at levels that exceed both current returns and analysts' expectations and are at least as high as those achieved over recent years".
Analysts said the comment was most relevant to Westpac, which, in 2012, under former chief executive Gail Kelly said 15 per cent return on equity was a "line in the sand".
Current boss Brian Hartzer had reaffirmed that target.
Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank and ANZ Bank do not have explicit targets for return on equity, a critical gauge of shareholder returns.
ANZ dumped a 16 per cent ROE target last year.
Yet, the RBA could also be trying to send a broader message to major lenders, which made $30.2 billion in combined profits in 2015, that shareholders might need to accept lower profitability.
The RBA's Financial Stability Review on Friday contrasted ROE targets with the trend towards lower returns being made, warning the sector not to compromise on risk or culture in trying to hit targets
"If these targets are maintained, it will be important that banks also maintain appropriate risk management practices and operational capabilities," the RBA said.
The comments followed a debate over whether bank returns should fall after rule changes designed to reduce risk.
RBA governor Glenn Stevens last year told bank shareholders that high returns were not a "constant of the universe".
Several experts believe there will be further falls in the average ROE of major banks. It is currently about 15 per cent, higher than most banks overseas.
Analysts point to the pressure on returns from rising bad debt costs, and rules requiring lenders to hold more capital against home loans, which generate most of their profits.
CLSA analyst Brian Johnson said in an email to clients last week there was a "staggering" gap between banks' ROE of 15 per cent and the 2.45 per cent return on 10-year government bonds, and described the banks' profitability as "egregious".
Banks' responded to tougher capital rules by raising mortgage interest rates last year.
However, Mr Johnson argued the banks' ability to exercise such "pricing power" was "seriously diminished", especially given the political scrutiny of banks.
Bell Potter analyst TS Lim said Westpac's 15 per cent ROE target was probably too high, and returns between 12 per cent and 15 per cent were more likely in the longer term.
Former Commonwealth Bank chief executive David Murray told The Australian Financial Review's Banking and Wealth Summit this month that the country's banks could still fund credit growth and provide acceptable shareholder returns with a return on equity of 12 per cent.
Watermark Funds Management investment analyst Omkar Joshi said Westpac would probably hit its 15 per cent return on equity target this year, but was unlikely to maintain it in the "medium term".
"It's probably not a realistic target in an environment where earnings are under pressure and capital requirements are increasing," he said.
Fund manager Alphinity principal Andrew Martin said whether banks could maintain 15 per cent ROE would depend on the extent of the bad loan costs increase, alongside the banks' pricing power.
Over the long term, regulators have made it clear capital requirements will rise, dampening profitability.
"There's a reasonable chance that, over time, there will be some pressure on returns because of prudential regulation," Mr Martin said.
The RBA observed banks appeared to be responding to the pressure on returns by "repricing" loan books and offloading less profitable businesses, such as National Australia Bank's move to float its British bank and sell an 80 per cent stake in its life insurance business.
Westpac, ANZ and NAB will report half-year profits in early May.
Analysts expected the results would show lenders making increased provisions for bad debts, after all big four banks lent to collapsed companies Arrium and Peabody Energy.