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BFCSA: Greg Medcraft "Houdini of the regulatory set" and Chairman of regulatory stuff-ups


ASIC chief Greg Medcraft thrown a lifeline

Australian Financial Review Apr 18 2016 12:28 AM

Adele Ferguson

He has been labelled the "Houdini of the regulatory set" and this week the chairman of Australian Securities and Investments Commission will earn the title when the government announces his reappointment, albeit for a shorter period than five years.

This week is set to be a big one for ASIC, with the government expected to release a grab bag of ASIC-related announcements to try to neuter the debate about whether this country should have a royal commission into the financial services sector.

Announcements are expected to include the government directing ASIC to conduct a wide-ranging inquiry into the financial services sector, the government's response to a capability review into ASIC, a new user-pays funding model and ASIC's budget, which was has been heavily cut under the Coalition's knife.

How the package of reforms goes down publicly will undoubtedly play a role in the forthcoming election campaign.

The problem for the government is a lot of this looks like policy on the run.

To put it into perspective, Greg Medcraft's term at ASIC expires next month. To have left such an important decision right up to the wire is not only disappointing but smacks of poor management on the government's part.

This is especially so given the rampant speculation for almost a year about Medcraft's future. In July an exclusive article appeared in The Australian Financial Review saying "Greg Medcraft is expected to be the first casualty of a full-scale review of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, as simmering tensions with the federal government are brought to a head". It went on: "The government's frustration has been exacerbated by a lack of confidence in Medcraft, a Labor appointee and former ALP member."

It was common knowledge that an international recruitment agency had been hired to find a replacement and it was well known that Medcraft was being considered for the job as the new chairman of the British regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority.

The government could have quelled this leadership uncertainty by locking him in for another term or offering an extension to his term. It didn't – until the 11th hour.

This has all been going on during a spate of financial scandals, which have rocked the confidence of Australians.

Medcraft didn't get the job at the FCA and decided to go on the hustings, lobbying for an extension to his job.

It looks like he has succeeded.


For reasons known only to itself, the government has been sitting on the findings of the capability review. Headed by productivity commissioner Karen Chester, the review was asked to make sure "ASIC has the appropriate governance, capabilities and systems to meet these objectives and future regulatory challenges". Its terms of reference include "assessing the skills, capabilities and culture of the regulator and its staff, including in respect of internal review and improvement mechanisms".

The report isn't expected to be too glowing of ASIC. It is believed to include 34 recommendations, most of which ASIC agrees with and has been pro-actively implementing.

It isn't the first time ASIC has been put under the blowtorch. A powerful Senate inquiry was conducted into its performance in 2014 and it found many faults, not least that it was a "timid, hesitant regulator, too ready and willing to accept uncritically the assurances of a large institution that there were no grounds for ASIC's concerns or intervention".

Perceptions that ASIC isn't tough enough on the big end of town came long before its budget was cut. The government will therefore have a challenge on its hands making an ASIC-led inquiry into the banks an alternative to a royal commission. If it is seen to have been sounding out the banks for increased funding for the watchdog as an alternative to a royal commission, as media reports suggest, its credibility will be damaged.

To give ASIC its due, since the release of the damning Senate report, it has been trying to lift its game. It read the many scathing submissions, heard some harrowing stories of witnesses and has been subject to a number of subsequent reviews, including the Murray inquiry, a capability review, a review of its funding model and, more lately, a review of its powers. In recent weeks Medcraft has been trying to rebuild confidence by taking it up to the banks. He was unable to reach a settlement with ANZ and Westpac relating to allegations of bank bill swap rate-rigging so he is taking them to court. The clock is ticking on its discussions with the Commonwealth Bank and NAB.


The government is also expected to unveil a user-pays model this week, which was recommended in the Murray Inquiry. A user-pays model would boost the resources of ASIC, assuming the government allows the regulator to keep the proceeds it collects.

Only 15 per cent of ASIC's regulatory costs are recovered through industry levies and fees. In a submission to a proposed industry funding model for ASIC, the regulator said: "It costs ASIC about $108 million to regulate Australian Financial Services licensees (AFS); however, ASIC collects for the government only $3.7 million in registry fees from AFS licensees, approximately 3.5 per cent of the cost of regulation."

Other reviews include beefing up the product intervention powers of ASIC as well as the size of penalties and fines, which are disproportionately low compared with similar jurisdictions.

The banks will no doubt be sweating bullets this week that the government's alternatives to a royal commission sound plausible. But given the various financial scandals over the past few years, the government will have to make it compelling to reassure Australians that it is taking it all seriously.

Until now, it hasn't done a good job of it. Besides its mishandling of the leadership at ASIC and delays in implementing reforms to the corporate regulator and the sector, there has been an alarming turnover of financial services ministers: Arthur Sinodinos, Mathias Cormann, Josh Frydenberg and lately Kelly O'Dwyer, who was also given the extra responsibilities of Small Business, which is a massive role in itself. Why Frydenberg was removed from the portfolio when he was seen to be making inroads and building trust among the various stakeholders is another one of those hard-to-fathom decisions.

That the government took an axe to the budget of ASIC at a time when financial scandals were multiplying, and tried to wind back financial advice reforms when the CBA financial scandal had put the spotlight on the shortcomings of the entire sector, also can't be forgotten.

Now, with a double dissolution in the wings, and Parliament resuming for the special sittings, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will have to try to convince a cynical voting public that his party is serious about the sector, the regulator and protecting consumers from misconduct. It wasn't something he had anticipated when he raised the stakes on union corruption and made it a trigger for a double dissolution.

Having a strong and feared regulator cannot be underestimated. It brings integrity and stability to the system and helps protect consumers against misconduct. An effective regulator needs to be well resourced, independent and have the proper powers and penalties.

Most importantly, it needs the right people and culture. It needs people who without fear or favour are willing to enforce the law. Without that, all the powers in the world won't matter and the scandals will continue unabated. It will be business as usual.




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