The Liberal Party and its Ministers are funded by the Big Banks due to the heavily weighted donations. The evidence of foul play by Bankers, abuse of system, toxic mortgage deals, shady deals with developers to use in scams, rate rigging. mass sub prime mortgage lending with interest only 30 year loans. The Banking Cartel have used fraud and forgery at every turn.
Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten:"The worst outcome for consumers would be if the Government is concluding with the big banks to stop a Royal Commission into Banking."
This week the Bankers reacted by threatening to put forward a $20 million fighting fund to fight consumers, making this a big stosh with Banks vs Consumers.
The Victorian seat of Dunkley voted yesterday on the RC and 70% resoundingly, convincingly said YES. Another poll for whole of country poll shows only 18% suggest NO RC.
From Anne: 17 Mch,
A Royal Commission is the only way to expose Banks and Bankers who have destroyed so many Aussie families& businesses.
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