Commonwealth Bank's ongoing systemic failures of customers and staff: But wait there's more
ABC News15 August 2017
Stephen Letts
The Commonwealth Bank has released new details of several serious cases of systemic problems within the business that has cost customers and employees millions of dollars.
Following demands from Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe and ASIC chairman Greg Medcraft for greater transparency, the CBA released a list of issues it says it is "putting right for our customers and employees".
The "issues" include selling lines of insurance that wouldn't have been paid out, over insurance for home loan customers and the underpayment of superannuation payments to employees.
The CBA also added a new item to the list, confirming it had just told ASIC that it may not have cancelled insurance to numerous deceased estates.
The bank says it now checking to see how many deceased estates have been affected, but it expects it to be not more than 1,000.
The new found transparency came several hours after news emerged CBA chief executive Ian Narev would retire before the of the financial year.
CBA's chair Catherine Livingstone said the board had decided to bring forward details of its succession planning to deal with "speculation and questions about his tenure".
The fallout from the money laundering scandal engulfing the bank continued with Mr Narev his $12.3 pay packet from 2016 more than halved, while short-term bonuses of all senior executives for the 2017 financial year were erased.
It has been a humiliating couple of weeks for Australia's biggest lender since the financial surveillance regulator Austrac detailed allegations of "serious and systemic" breaches of anti-money laundering and terrorism financing laws.
Last week RBA governor Philip Lowe, who also chairs the Australian Council of Financial Regulators was blunt in his assessment of the current situation.
"It is fair to say that service has taken a back seat to sales," Dr Lowe told a parliamentary committee.
"The focus needs to be on rebuilding trust, delivering high quality service to customers and a strong focus on risk management," he added.
'Not an exhaustive list'
The bank conceded the statement of reviews and remediation processes it detailed was "not an exhaustive list of all regulatory matters" it faced, but gave a brief rundown on where several stood.
These include:
· A review of superannuation payable to all employees dating back eight years. The review is on going and covers 36,000 current and former workers. The total refunds are yet to be determined, but the first $16.3 million tranche of repayments is expected to made shortly, equating to an average amount per employee of approximately $463 plus interest.
· Refunding Credit Card Plus insurance customers who purchased coverage and "may not have met the employment criteria, meaning they may not, if the need arose, have been able to receive certain benefits under the policy." In a deal struck with ASIC the bank soon start refunding around $10 million, including interest, to 65,000 customers.
· Refunding Home Loan Protection insurance customers who had been charged an incorrect premium amount or had incurred premium charges before the home loan was drawn down. So far 9,600 customers have been identified and $586,000 has been repaid.
· The bank says it in on-going discussions with ASIC over the regulator's concern some Essential Super customers may have been given personal advice rather than general advice during the sale of the product.
· Charges on disputed card transactions. The bank noted when refunding disputed transactions on customers' cards, while the transaction itself was correctly reversed, certain charges associated with the disputed transactions were not always correctly adjusted. After reviewing 4.5 million transactions dating back to 2009, refunds totalling $5 million will be made to around 335,000 customers.
· Deceased estates. "Today, ASIC was notified about an issue affecting some insurance products, where for a number of accounts, a confirmation of the cancellation of an existing insurance policy may not have been sent to the deceased estate," CBA said in a statement. "We are currently undertaking a detailed investigation back to the year 2000 to confirm the number of affected customers and will contact their estates and remediate if appropriate."
While not directly addressed in the CBA statement, the bank's annual report also fleshed out some details on the refunds ASIC says must be made to customers who were charged for financial advice never given.
In October last year, the "Big Four" retail banks and AMP were accused of gouging $180 million in fees without service, with the CBA responsible for majority of the figure with $105 million.
At the time ASIC pointedly criticised the CBA in lagging behind the other banks in making appropriate and timely refunds.
The bank now says it has reviewed service delivery against past adviser service package offerings from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2015.
"In instances where the Group's records do not show that customers who paid for the service package during this period received an annual review, customers are being refunded with interest."
The eight year period is the minimum period financial institutions are required to keep their clients financial records.
Indeed, most of the CBA reviews go back the minimum eight-year period.