RBA deputy Guy Debelle promises to liberate world's foreign exchange traders
Australian Financial Review May 25 2017 6:04 PM
Aaron Patrick
On Anzac Day 2015, Guy Debelle, an assistant governor at the Reserve Bank of Australia, was walking along Bondi Beach at dawn when he got a call from the New York Federal Reserve.
Simon Potter, one of the most powerful figures in financial markets regulation, wanted to strategise with Debelle a global response to an unfolding scandal in foreign exchange trading, the sprawling and mostly unregulated market that influences almost every economy on earth.
By the time he reached his home in the adjacent suburb of Bronte, Debelle had had three conversations with counterparts overseas. A week later they set up a taskforce that thrust Debelle into the heart of efforts to tame corruption that had shaken confidence in the world's biggest financial market.
For the past two years the RBA lifer has been chairing an international committee of central banks, investment banks, institutional investors and others from 15 countries which have enshrined 55 principles into a code of conduct that was made public at a press conference in London on Thursday.
Debelle hopes that banks and investors around the world will sign up to the code, and it can help avoid the market abuse that led to $10 billion in fines for Citigroup, JP Morgan, Barclays, UBS and others.
Some 40 institutional foreign exchange players representing almost 90 per cent of the global market negotiated the code under the supervision of Debelle and the Swiss-based Bank of International Settlements, including representatives from New York, London, the eurozone, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico and China.
The father of three made and received almost 1000 phone calls, usually at 5am or 11pm, and went on 16 international trips, culminating in a press conference at the Bank of England on Thursday. The project was in addition to his Reserve Bank responsibilities overseeing Australia's financial markets.
"It was my night job for the past two years," Debelle says in an interview in his 12th floor office in Sydney's Martin Place.
Being the world of a small, secretive group of insiders, the foreign exchange markets don't get as much attention as sharemarkets, which almost anyone can invest in. But their efficient operation is important to business, which relies on fair currency prices to trade across borders.
There is no central foreign exchange market. Some $US5 trillion in transactions are carried out every day, mostly by the foreign exchange dealing desks of big banks, which were caught taking advantage of their clients and manipulating prices. One New York trader wrote to a colleague in 2000: "If you aint cheating, you aint trying."
"In the previous world it was very difficult to be sure you were getting the best price," Debelle says.
The bad behaviour has been reduced, he says. If anything, the market has become too cautious, he says. Banks, paranoid of lawsuits and further regulatory action, are wary about sharing information with clients about the flow of money around the world.
"Paying billions of dollars in fines has caused some introspection at these firms," Debelle says. "We're going to alleviate the markets from their uncertainty."
By defining expected standards of behaviour, Debelle hopes the code will allow foreign exchange dealers to talk more freely. Because of their intricate understanding of money flows, dealers can provide profit-generating information to professional traders or better prices for asset managers.
Knowing in advance where money is going, allows trades to predict price moves. The huge sums at play in foreign exchange can make this lucrative.
The code, which the banks helped write, is designed to allow the banks to help their clients make money without stacking the system against companies such as BHP Billiton that buy and sell currencies for necessity not profit.
Debelle expects Australian foreign exchange desks will quickly sign up. "This is an important global initiative to address the shortcomings in the market," he says. "We expect local participants to adhere to it and embed in it their operations."
There is a controversial trading phenomenon that still splits the industry. Called "last look", it happens when a bank offers a price to a client and refuses to go through with the trade when the client accepts the price.
Critics say "last look" should be banned because banks use it to unethically obtain information about clients' trading plans. Supporters say banks need the right to reject trades in cases where they suspect a potential client doesn't have enough capital to pay for the order.
The problem is more acute for high-frequency traders, who use computers to make thousands of trades a day and exploit small fluctuations in price. The computerisation of foreign exchange trading has contributed to a steep decline in the number of traders around the world.
The number of traders in Europe at the top 10 foreign exchange banks fell 30 per cent in three years, Reuters reported last year.
A global foreign exchange committee will be formed this year to consider what to do about "last look", and to take responsibility for promoting and updating Debelle's code of conduct.
Even central banks will be asked to sign up, and the RBA's traders in Sydney, London and New York have been tested as guinea pigs for the code's clarity. They passed.
"Your average FX trader can read and understand this pretty easily," Debelle says.
Debelle, a Blur fan who became the Reserve Bank's deputy governor in September, says he will serve on the global committee for a few months before stepping down