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BFCSA: Banker CHARLES PONZI: who is he and how to identify the Modern Aussie Ponzi BANKER?

WHO IS CHARLES PONZI? Who is the Aussie Ponzi?
Charles Ponzi (a Sicilian emigrant to America), started his financing scams re postage stamps in 1920's, after doing a bit of time for theft in Canada. The ambitious and personable Mr Ponzi, travelled to the US shortly after his release from jail aged 18, and later on ripped off a Banker, purchased the Bank and then turned his Bank in Boston into one giant swindling operation. Charles managed to swindle one third of the Boston Police Force by collecting their savings. Essentially, Ponzi stole large funds from one person to pay others small amounts of interest on their funds from monies previously stolen. The scam makes the retiree investors and shareholders believe their funds are safe. WORD OF MOUTH sees more and more people enter the PONZI and place their investment monies with the Banker. The word went around: Mr Ponzi always pays dividends on time. Problem being he paid dividends out of stealing new money from new customers.
Everything seems normal with investment income cheques arriving monthly. This can go one for years except when you RUN OUT OF NEW PEOPLE to enter the PONZI. Its a rob Peter to pay Paul scheme and the only person getting very very rich is the BANKER. Charles Ponzi eventually ended up in jail again and 10,000 Americans lined the docks at San Fran to farewell Mr Ponzi, as the Government shipped him off back to Sicily on a deportation order. He was a dapper thief in Coat Tails and Top Hat.
Similar scams in money racketeering and asset stealing are known the world over as PONZI SCAMS. Australian Bankers have been acting as a CARTEL creating Ponzi Financing Scams within their networking systems. Essentially it is creating grand profits from FRAUD and is a known CRIME SCENE. When the Banks run out of people to fleece the PONZI collapses. I taught ASICKERS what a PONZI was in meetings in 2001. They too had never heard of Charles. Our Australian Banks have run out of people, even later running investment seminars funded by banks in China and India!!! the PONZI can never sustain.
The more people you can find to rip off. the longer the Ponzi can run. however, as the Ponzi crumbles people start a run on the Banks which is happening in Spain right now. No more funds are pumped in and the Ponzi Madmen's lavish life style takes a direct hit.
Here in Australia, Bankers hit on Pensioners to steal their only asset - their home - and then pay shareholders with the processed funds from the Bond Markets created from the stolen assets and round she went.......Wholesalers were feeding extra funds into our banking system via LOCs.
PONZI financing scams eventually collapse and only those who understand the scam, get out first and send the funds to the Cayman Islands. Our Bankers raped pillaged and plundered older people in NZ first as a test run, we have the docs. Then the product mortgages were unleashed onto unsuspecting Australians, then the good citizens of China and India were the target market for Aussie Bankers. The property market was turned into an escalating giant BUBBLE, signalling Ponzi Financing was in play as a Banker driven stealing of assets. The International Monetary Fund warnings to Australia pointed out these signs for the educated to see in 2003. There are those who could see what was happening including yours truly.
I warned of Ponzi's in the MIS scams in 2001 in blogs on my reca website. Later in 2002 after my meetings, ASIC started to place Ponzi warnings and Promissory Note scam warnings on their own website. But with zero enforcement of existing laws, the regulators at back and blamed the victims. That POLICY caused the PONZI and BUBBLES to become Too Big to Fail. The Ponzi does collapse and the Taxpayers will be asked for BAIL OUT monies. The Government will tell us a few "errors" have been made. The dumbo's at ASIC and APRA will yawn.
Read Up on a modern day pirate known as BERNIE MADOFF and also LEYMANs. They are identifiable as very wealthy men in exquisite surroundings: Bandits In Suits. They ditched the pirate rags 150 years ago but played the same game of robbing one person and using the funds to pay themselves first to sustain lavish lifestyle and then pay another new victim some monthly payments from his own nest egg. The stolen funds are never invested....................the bootie is shipped off to the Cayman's.
Hope that Helps.....................
Denise L Brailey denise@bfcsa.com.au
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