S&P's rating cuts stir up the 'too big to fail' debate over the banks
Australian Financial Review May 23 2017 3:01 PM
Jonathan Shapiro
Rating agency Standard & Poor's threat to downgrade Australia's AAA credit rating has prompted much fear and loathing within political and financial circles.
And while this month's budget fixes, which included a big bank tax, did enough to delay the cut to the sovereign rating, it seems the agency has other deeper fears about the state of the nation.
This week, an S&P downgrade did come in the form of increase in S&P's economic risk factor that the agency uses to set the ratings of the banks. The catalyst for the increase of the risk factor score from three to four was a dangerous build-up of household debt and rising property prices that S&P believes has made the financial system vulnerable.
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, S&P's new process for rating the banks is fully transparent. And the upwards movement in the risk factor score immediately triggered a change in the banking industry country risk assessment (BICRA) score it assigns to the banking system. Which in turn triggered downgrades to individual or "standalone" bank ratings.
These standalone ratings are then used to determine the actual "senior unsecured" credit ratings used by bondholders. These were cut by a notch for all but Australia's major banks.
Risks on the rise
And it is here that S&P's assumption that the major banks were likely to benefit from the AAA-rated government support spared them the downgrade.
The sum of S&P's inputs is that the government's finances are still strong, and the industry is in good shape. But the risks to which banks are exposed are on the rise.
That the big banks were spared the downgrade while the smaller banks were hit has intensified the debate about the advantage the larger lenders receive by virtue of their "too big to fail" status.
That debate is particularly important given the banks have copped a 6 basis point tax on their liabilities, which the government has since justified as a modest compared to the funding benefit they receive from the government holding on to the AAA rating.
It's tough for the big banks to argue otherwise. The credit rating gap between big and small banks has increased, and so too should funding costs for the smaller guys.
But there is more to it.
International funding markets
While the banks do benefit from a funding advantage in the wholesale markets, they are also more dependent on these markets for funding.
To feed the nation's appetite for mortgage debt, the banks have ventured offshore to the international funding markets, raising about $120 billion per annum in the capital markets.
Deutsche Bank analysts pointed out that because the regionals derive 80 per cent of their funding from deposits, and they only refinance a quarter of their wholesale debt on a given year, the earnings impact from the S&P downgrade will only be around 2 per cent.
That same logic can be applied by the major banks to dispute the Treasurer's claim that the 6 basis point annual levy imposed on the banks is small compared to the 10 basis point advantage they receive by virtue of their government-aided higher ratings.
Some internal bank analysis suggests the impact of a downgrade of the major banks' credit ratings would be about $25 million a year, because it will only impact the cost of term funding that needs to be refinanced – which is about $20-$30 billion per annum.
The 6 basis point charge under the new bank levy, however, will apply to all liabilities and therefore will be 10 times greater at $250 million.
Macquarie analysts also calculated a 2 per cent hit to earnings for the regionals because most of their funding is sourced from deposits. But Macquarie also said the downgrades would reduce their access to wholesale markets, and curtail their ability to compete with the majors.
Competitive issues
So far, credit markets have been slow to react, but the bonds of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, and Bank of Queensland are under pressure, as the downgrades will prompt some investors to sell, and will make the bonds ineligible to post as collateral for short-term loans.
One point the major and regional banks can agree on is that the impact of higher capital requirements and increased mortgage risk weights will be far more meaningful than the bank levy, and the downgrades. And it may do more to address competitive issues.
In late 2014, after spending a year examining the financial system, David Murray concluded that the banks were too big to fail and we shouldn't pretend otherwise.
Instead, we should do what we can to reduce the chance that the taxpayer is required to bail out the banks, and that means the banks need to hold more capital.
For better or worse, the banks will rely on the faith of foreign bondholders, he surmised, so our banks should be among the best capitalised in the world.
Advantage is diminished
He also recognised how the big banks had piled into mortgages, and had a clear benefit over their smaller banks because the system allowed them to hold less capital.
By increasing mortgage risk weights for the larger banks, their competitive advantage is diminished and the already remote prospect of a taxpayer bailout is reduced, if not eradicated.
Since then the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has carried this through, and the net impact should be a better capitalised, safer and potentially more competitive banking system.
For now, S&P believes the risks are rising, not abating. The agency's message to both the banks and the government is clear – the levy should be the least of their worries.