More duck diving and weaving and shite from the Big Four Banks!
Westpac boss Brian Hartzer cedes in principle support for dodgy banker naming and shaming
By senior business correspondent Peter Ryan
Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer has stopped short of endorsing a parliamentary committee proposal that dodgy bank executives be publicly named and shamed, despite ceding in principle support.
Appearing before the House Economics Committee in Canberra, Mr Hartzer said he did not disagree with calls for greater accountability but said apportioning blame to individual bankers was a "not black and white" matter.
"In principal, I don't have a fundamental problem with that. We are very happy to work with the government in coming up with something that makes sense," Mr Hartzer told committee chairman and Liberal MP David Coleman.
But Mr Coleman pressed Mr Hartzer asking: "Do you object to this explicit specific recommendation or not? I am not asking you for a philosophical statement about executive accountability."
Mr Hartzer told the committee it was an argument about Westpac's ability to clarify who is accountable for any breaches and whether they should be reported within the proposed five-day deadline.
"When you get to the issue of consequences, in some cases where something is a massive, significant issue you might take action at that time," Mr Hartzer said.
"In other cases, it's not black and white ... we might not have decided that until the end of the year, when we take all the various things that have happened."
But Mr Coleman rejected Mr Hartzer's qualifications on the naming and shaming policy saying, "we're not asking for a negotiation, we're asking for a response to a recommendation."
"My response it that it's complicated and we have to work through some real examples to come up with something that is practical," Mr Hartzer retorted.
Yesterday, Commonwealth Bank chief executive Ian Narev also pushed back at suggestions that bank executives found to have acted unlawfully or unethically should be publicly named and shamed.
"What I will say is that our executives are entitled to the same due process as anyone would have," Mr Narev said.
Earlier, Mr Hartzer was grilled on a range of allegations Westpac is confronting, including a report from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission last September which revealed the bank rejected 37 per cent of insurance claims for permanent and total disability.
Last week, ASIC announced it was taking Westpac to the Federal Court alleging inappropriate lending practices.
"Obviously we don't enjoy going through those processes ... but we have a very active regulator," Mr Hartzer told the committee.
"We're in dispute on a number of occasions that there's an issue there and that's why we're in court. But we have a lot of respect for ASIC.
"The culture we're trying to create is where, when there is an issue, people put their hand up immediately and we raise things with ASIC. I think that's really quite constructive."
The committee will this afternoon hear from Australian Bankers Association's Steve Munchenberg who has been leading the push by the big four banks to thwart Labor's moves for a royal commission.
It will be Mr Munchenberg's last appearance before the committee before former Queensland premier Anna Bligh steps into his role.