Australian banks' funding mix under the spotlight again
Australian Financial Review Apr 7 2016 5:42 PM
Jonathan Shapiro
The Achilles heel of Australia's banks has, and is likely to remain, a reliance on offshore wholesale funding.
For two decades the demand of households and businesses for credit has outstripped the pace of savings leading the nation's lenders to plug the gap with financing sourced from long term bond market and short term money markets.
The seizure of credit markets in 2008 highlighted the risk. That prompted regulators and banks to address this vulnerability by switching from less stable sources of funding towards more stable sources such as long-term deposits and customer deposits.
Compared to 2008, deposits, as a share of total funding are now 2.5-times greater than wholesale financing – the flightiest source of capital.
On Tuesday, at The Australian Financial Review's Banking & Wealth Summit, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's Wayne Byres reminded the banks that while they've taken significant steps to mitigate their exposure to wholesale funding, there was "still room for improvement".
Mr Byres showed that while the banks have replaced short term funding with deposits, it's largely been at the expense of domestic short term funding. Short term offshore financing has actually increased as a proportion of total funding.
So what explains the continued reliance on offshore money market investors?
Australian banks are attracting interest from other financial institutions in the US by virtue of their AA credit rating status and the fact that they aren't subject to the Federal Deposit Insurance fee.
Also a decent chunk of the $US1.8 trillion ($2.4 trillion) of cash held by US technology companies such as Apple and Google finds its way to Australia's banks
"With issuance done at the short end at the moment the Australian banks have been able to raise pretty good volumes of US dollars through the European commercial paper market since 2009 at levels that are incredibly attractive versus most of their international peers," said Triple-T Consulting's Sean Keane.
Countering the demand for Australian bank paper are changing US money market rules which discourage funds from buying bank paper in favour of government bills.
"We've already seen half a trillion dollars of prime fund capital disappear, so the banks – the Australian, Scandinavian and Japanese banks – have had to look elsewhere," Mr Keane said.
So far this shift hasn't bothered Australia's banks, but as Mr Byres points out there's "room for improvement" rather than outright concern. Regulators appear comfortable that so long as the banks are adequately hedging the currency risk associated with foreign funding and the liabilities are backed largely by Australian assets, the current mix is acceptable.
Still, the interplay between the demand for credit and the supply of funds available to finance these loans is an important part of Australia's financial system.
Credit growth has been modest at around 6 to 7 per cent, but it has outpaced the growth in deposits over the last two years, forcing the banks to plug the gap with more wholesale funding.
Prior to that, the transition away from offshore wholesale funding markets has been aided in part by the rising propensity of Australians to save more money. The so-called "deposit wars" in which banks have offered savers generous rates above the cash rate have also helped.
But there are now signs that households are saving less, which could have implications for the funding mix of Australia's banks. The introduction of new global rules to reduce funding risks will also compel the banks to issue longer term funding and do more to attract stable deposits, which all things being equal, will increase funding costs. The challenge for the banks will be to delicately manage funding risk, meet regulators' requirements but also keep their profit margins in check.
As Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has suggested this week, banks are held to a higher standard, and trade with both a banking licence and a social licence underpinned by taxpayer guarantees.
Mr Keane said that regulators aren't letting the big banks forget that fact.
"APRA are fairly on the front foot in terms of wanting the Australian banks to be unquestionably strong."