A showdown between Wall Street and the American people is building over the crucial issue of Glass-Steagall, the 1933 law that broke up the Depression-era- Too-BigTo-Fail banks into fully separated commercial and investment banks. Its repeal in 1999 led to the financial crash of 2007-08. During his campaign for the Presidency, Donald Trump explicitly endorsed the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, during a speech in Charlotte, North Carolina in October 2016. Both the Republican and Democratic Party platforms for 2016 contained equally explicit calls for the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall.
The Global Bankers commercial divisions are maggoted to the core, top heavy with fraud and forgery and TOXIC Mortgage Lending. Bankers have been pumping up the property markets to suit their own greedy personal wealth accounts. By creating an over-bloated "Creating Wealth Industry," these criminal bankers have been systematically asset-stripping in Cartel Mode: ie stealing homes from Pensioners and the middle class. In addition bankers have been very busy cleaning out the retirement funds of modest Retirees. These evil merchants of "wealth" have purchased political parties and taken control of Governments. Criminal laws seem to be applied to the rest of us, whilst the Banks are free to remain in a permanent state of lawlessness without Glass Steagall protection provisions to protect the people from Greedy Bankers. Of course we know the Glass Steagall is useless IF laws are not enforced!!! Yet the average person is now understanding why we are likely to head towards a bigger BUST that 1929. Why? The Dollars and Property stolen by Banks is 100 times greater than the disasters of 100 years ago. Banks have created the biggest Mother of all Bubbles in a Global channel of a crime spree and this is not going to end well. The only ones who benefited from CREATING WEALTH SEMINARS were the Bankers and their promoters.....lining their own obscene pockets.
CEC Gabriele Peut writes:
Why would the UK Parliament’s Petitions Committee reject—on spurious grounds—a citizens’ petition to introduce Glass-Steagall banking separation? The 7 February Australian Alert Service reports that popular and institutional support for the measure has never been greater, and high-level efforts are being waged to stop it in both the USA and the UK. Our Washington Insider column, "The battle for Glass-Steagall is on", covers the debate in Washington, DC, which is firing up as a new draft of the law is tabled in the House of Representatives. "Ex British MP calls for Glass-Steagall in America" shows the growing support from the UK. Download and read these reports, and the shocking "UK Parliament committee blocks Glass-Steagall petition", here.
Citizens Electoral Council of Australia