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BFCSA: APRA's warnings portend serious problems in the Australian Banking system


APRA's warnings portend serious problems in the banking system



By Stephen Long

Posted about 4 hours agoTue 5 Apr 2016, 4:49pm



Banking regulators are, by necessity, cautious in their public comments. In the nuance of regulator-speak, the comments by senior officials from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority over the past few days have been remarkably candid; about as close as their ilk come to acknowledging we have a problem.

First there was Charles Littrell, an executive general manager, who expressed APRA's "perennial concern" about the exposure of Australia's biggest banks to the mortgage market. 

It’s is a significant issue of concern to us that close to two-thirds of [the big four banks'] balance sheets are exposed to property … mainly housing loans," Littrell told the Australian Financial Review.

Even more telling was his comment that Australian banks were not just "too big to fail" – they were almost too big to get sick.

That's one way of describing the reality that it wouldn't take a meltdown with heavy loan losses to cause potentially catastrophic problems for Australia's financial system. 

Our banks rely on offshore funding to support their lending.  Losses or loan arrears well below a level that would, on their own, raise solvency issues could still cause the cost of that funding to soar, or the funding to dry up altogether, creating a credit squeeze that could collapse house prices and undermine the economy.


Recent lending issues 'eerily similar' to 2007

APRA's chairman, Wayne Byres, was perhaps even more candid.  He was asked today about lending standards in 2007 – a question based on the story the ABC broke about secret research APRA carried prepared that year.

The unpublished research found that lower lending standards threatened a radical and unprecedented rise in loan arrears that could have prompted a banking crisis and a recession.

Conditions then, Byres said, were "eerily similar to some of the things we have been saying recently".

"The issues that were on the radar screen then - buoyant housing lending, commercial property lending standards - are all things that are on our agenda again ... this time around we have been a bit more active and interventionist maybe than we were last time, but I don't think the issues have particularly changed that much."


Rearguard action by APRA since late-2014

This was both an acknowledgement that the bank's lending standards have created worrying, potentially systemic, risks and a reflection on his predecessor, John Laker. 

The research paper APRA suppressed under Laker's leadership ended with a quote from Ben Bernanke who advocated "micro-level policies to reduce the incidence of bubbles and protect the financial system from their effects" and "supervisory action to ensure capital adequacy".


Wayne Byres gets it.


While Laker steered clear of those "micro-policies" – or macro-prudential controls, in today's jargon – Byres has imposed higher capital requirements on the banks, controls on investor housing loans and new standards directed at loan serviceability ratios that had previously allowed the banks to lend so much that people were living just above the poverty line.  But it's a rearguard action, after many years of excess.

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