WE ALL NEED TO WAKE UP TO MORTGAGE FRAUD and the $300 billion of toxic loans, sloshing around in the banking system. Toxicity levels in the Bond market is frightening. Loans are all approved by a digitized process....a carefully manipulated computerised approval system.
There are over two million Australians caught in these Bank Scandals, mostly generated by Major Banks. The product mortgages are sub prime interest only loans whereby the loan can never be paid off. They are sold as LOW DOCS and the words IO are never mentioned. They are sold on the basis "these are mortgages whereby less docs are required." ITS A MASSIVE FRAUD.
That is why Leader of Opposition Bill Shorten has guaranteed a Royal Commission into the Banks. The Prime Minister and former banker with Goldman Sachs has said NO to RC. We know why. We could be back to the polls early next year as the Elites gather more gold and the people's income diminishes.
Mortgage victims now know the engineers of the robotic loans are the former CEO's acting as a cartel and the Cartel is still operating a giant CONTROL FRAUD entrenched Ponzi Financing. The fraud is in the Mortgage Approval. I have written over 19 reports to Federal Parliament on this criminal activity over 13 years. These Low Docs are the most expensive loans in the world.
Beware of the micro parties as they are jumping on the Turnbull extreme right wing band wagon. Even worse, they have no idea what they are doing and care only about votes. As a criminologist I am appalled at the carnage and the apathy. The Commonwealth Bank is our largest bank and therefore the worst offender. Just stay informed is to what is really happening and watch job losses, home ownership shattered.
Homelessness on the rise and worrisome economic slow down obvious. Our country and its people needs to wake up to what is happening to our corrupted banking system. Our property market is cooling and worn out after being artificially pumped up by the Banks for so long.
Currently, the Elites are winning and the people are losing just as Malcolm planned: winners and losers. We collectively need to join hands and stop the rot to ensure a brighter future for the following generations. This is our task. We cannot leave our youth homeless for life and that's where we are heading. We need a nationalised banking system. We Australians have work to do so roll up your sleeves.
Denise L Brailey
Posted on Guilia's and Debbie Barker's change.org petition re Commonwealth Bank