Rodney Culleton, One Nation senator extraordinaire
“I have now become the hunter,” declared One Nation’s Rodney Culleton boldly in his maiden speech to parliament. Swept to power on a populist platform of bashing the banks, Rodney is now advocating – although he seems to be alone in this – “The Culleton Inquiry” into the financial sector.
As the government smooches the four elected representatives of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party for political favours, lately gleaning their support for its ABCC bill, Rodney’s star is on the rise. He is a power broker.
It is worth asking however how long his star can ascend when Rodney has dozens of angry creditors pursuing him, a High Court challenge against his senate eligibility – get comfortable, this list goes for a while – a series of, what’s the word … “anomalies” in his bankruptcy and company insolvency statements, not to mention anomalies and omissions in his Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) disclosures, two judgements against him to pay back a combined $4.5 million and a court appearance on larceny charges in Armidale this very day.
Although he may deem himself “the hunter”, Rodney might be the fitting star for the third sequel in Hollywood’s Hunger Games series, Hunger Games IV – Hunting Rodney.
While he hunts the banks, literally dozens of creditors are hunting him. This week yet another claim was filed against Rodney in the Federal Court.
Rodney doesn’t see things this way though. When he delivered his maiden speech to parliament, the freshman senator from Western Australia waxed lyrical about his business career. He even took the opportunity to have a crack at some of his myriad creditors.
Pauline Hanson with Rodney CulletonHe labelled Peter Walsh and Jack Vivers, creditors to one of his failed ventures, “patent trolls”.
“Mitavite clearly pidgeonholed the concept though exclusivity and encouraged patent trolls through Mitavite agents Dean Holzer, Peter Walsh and Jack Vivers to infringe all copyrights to my invention,” Culleton told the Senate.
The rub with this unabashed claim by Rodney is that Peter Walsh had never had any dealings with Mitavite and, as Vivers told us on Friday, “I had nothing to do with it … only that he told me about it later”.
One of Rodney’s teeming throng of creditors, Jack Vivers moved to wind up Rodney’s company, DEQMO Pty Ltd, this year.
Vivers was in a jovial mood when we had our chat about Rodney last week. “I’ve been subpoenaed to appear Friday,” he said, in reference to today’s larceny proceedings in Armidale.
Pauline Hanson with Rodney and Ioanna CulletonRodney was arrested in August by NSW police, accused of stealing the keys of a tow-truck amid a spirited tête-à-tête with the tow-truck driver who was busy repossessing Rodney’s truck.
Although a self-styled champion of farmers, Rodney, says Vivers, is not well known in rural communities for paying people for their goods and services. “He stole my truck,” says Vivers casually, as though it was par-for-the-course.
While advocating his “Culleton Inquiry” into the banks, Rodney has a judgement debt against him of $4.3 million from the ANZ Bank’s trustee PCL. He also has a judgement debt against him of $203,000 by WA businessman Dick Lester.
Rodney declined to respond to detailed questions for this story. One Nation party leader Pauline Hanson was also sent questions to which there was no response. We did manage to phone Rodney though and while he declined to respond to many questions he did say that, in the case of Dick Lester, it was Lester who owed him money, not the other way around.
Rodney in a hurry“We don’t owe Mr Lester the money,” he said. He then inquired as to whether we knew anything about the legal system and proceeded to explain that, as he had the right to appeal the judgement, and was in fact doing so, Dick Lester did not owe him money.
It is unclear, in light of all the debts owed by Rodney, how the One Nation senator managed to decamp from bankruptcy last year. He was bankrupted in October 2013 and was out in December 2015.
READ MORE HERE Feature article on Culleton: