In the United States, post the GFC, banks blamed the sellers and borrowers and even labelled the customers as saying they lied on the apps. When consumers started to fight back, Bank Bandits said uh oh "documents have all miraculously gone missing!" Sound familiar? banks kept everyone divided and conquered. There was no support group. Nine Attorneys General out of 52, decided they had seen complaints coming in to their offices and each A-G took on the banks, with State funds into Court:
The Banks: "your Honour, our filing system is in such an appalling mess, as we were making $trillions and had no time to file."
A-Gs said: "Your honour if LAFs are missing (pages missing) cases cannot be proven as prudent lending."
Judge to the banks: "if you have lost your docs, you cannot say this was a prudent loan. BANKS LOSE, consumers win."
Every State (I am told) won on that argument."
Australian Bankers have already admitted to FOS and the Parliament mass docs are missing, borrowers lied, they signed blank forms"........................all of it nonsense of course.
Australians are a nation of happy go lucky people, but never ever get into the trenches with them.
Rule # 1 from 200 years so: Never steal their Horse
Rule# 2 right now: Never steal their House
Rule # 3 Never ever tell the Punters "nothing we can do"
Just ask Jane:
No Action No vote Jane
Royal Commission after 30 shocking years of DE-REG:
How to keep voters happy: NO WORRIES
We want one pager Policy: "YES we promise Royal Commission full TOR no Tricks and within next 12 months." TOO EASY!