From Dale
Your leaky boat is about to capsize.
There is no where for our Banks to hide now, this has has bubbled up from a ripple into a tidal wave. The more our Banks and the LNP try to avoid the inevitable Royal Commission the more guilty and aligned they are being seen. It is time to not only assist the victims of this horrendous Fraud but put our economy back in a position where the cycling money goes to the real people who drive our economy the average Mums and Dads.
At present the stolen loot is going to bolster share portfolios and being moved to offshore tax havens by investors and shareholders. Shareholders are receivers of STOLEN MONEY. I'll bet once the truth comes out about how these Banksters steal people's assets and ruin customers' lives to bolster returns to shareholders there shares will take a real nasty drop. They dropped 2.5% this week.
If you are a shareholder don't be surprised to be implicated and maybe prosecuted for your part in a vile white collar crime. The Bank hierarchy may already be plotting how to make you guys the scapegoats as they did with the Brokers in the initiating if this process. Elitist Bankers BLAME EVERYONE BUT THEMSELVES. They are conniving and deceptive and would have already set up an exit strategy from any form of blame, you can bet on that.
MUGS NO MORE.....TRUTH will Refloat Our Boat